Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tomorrow, at 7ish in the morning I leave for Zurich, Switzerland.

Right now I have very mixed emotions. Part of me it super excited, but the other part of me is nervous and scared.

Thank goodness I already know the people I am going with, so that makes traveling more comforting. I also have been in contact with the family I am going to be staying with in Germany, and they are very nice. Another relief.

All my bags are packed and I am just putting a couple final things into my carry on.

Unfortunately I will not be able to post while I am in Europe, but I am keeping a detailed journal, so when I get back I can post what happened each day with pictures.

This is going to be fun, and I am excited!!

Bon voyage! (:

My packed bags!! (:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Blog Post..

I. Am. Scared.

This is going to be my first major trip without a parent and I leave a week from tomorrow.

I won't be excited until I step foot on the plane or until we land in Switzerland, but that is just how I am at the moment.

Mainly I am scared about packing. How am I going to fit twenty days worth of clothing in a little 'ole suitcase?! I have not even started packing yet, but the list has been made and this weekend the clothes will be packed.

This is going to be a great experience and I know it.

But first, I need to tackle packing.. /: